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Membership Benefits

To join: Annual membership dues are $25 for the period beginning January 1st and ending on December 31st. Click here for the online form.

KySTE has greatly increased its member support commitment and services, including:

  • Conference Discounts. KySTE March Conference registration is discounted for members.
  • KySTE Outreach
    KySTE Outreach. This program of grants and services is available only to members. Over $135,000 has been distributed so far. Through member dues and vendor partnerships, KySTE will increase its offerings every year.
  • March Conference perks. Join us at the March conference for the KySTE Membership Reception, a catered opportunity to network, meet KySTE leadership, and learn about KySTE opportunities.
  • Education Reform Agenda. Education technology is a change agent for education reform. KySTE leadership is participating in dialogs in a variety of settings, from regional organizations to the Ky Department of Education, to encourage education reform which reflect effective technology use practices and 21st Century skills.
  • Other opportunities to participate
  • Do you want to connect with KySTE leaders and other members? Volunteer to work our conference! We are a fun group!
  • Present at our conference! Presenters attend our conferences for free!

To join: Annual membership dues are $25 for the period beginning January 1st and ending on December 31st. Click here for the online form.